Why 5-day Boarding Schools Are a Great Option

Posted by Sandy Spring Friends School on Feb 9, 2017 8:30:00 AM
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Sandy Spring Friends School offers a meaningful, fulfilling, and well-rounded experience to its students through programming in academics, athletics and artistic pathways. The elements of mentoring and teaching allow for a strong and fresh way of learning in a residential setting. Learn more about our programs:  http://www.ssfs.org/admission/boarding.

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Why Choose 5-day Boarding Schools?


Educational staff bring their quality expertise and wisdom to the curriculum giving invaluable information and knowledge to the willing student. The tight-knit community weaves important values through their individual work with each student in the areas of social responsibility and successful goal planning.  


There are studio and performing arts opportunities available for the student body in several mediums which allow the learners to incorporate their creative side and innate abilities and talents into their education. Being situated so close to the nation's capitol gives the school's artistic community neighboring cultural outlets and centers for individual exploration.


Sandy Spring Friends also captures the team building spirit in their twelve sports that are available for the students. The understanding that a community or team can work together for a greater goal is a fantastic life lesson that goes beyond the classroom.

Student Life

The full life of the student at Sandy Spring Friends School abounds with training for many soft skills as well, such as social skills, time management, and commitment to peers. The educators introduce independence to those who board at the school, which fosters a greater understanding of self-reliance as well as community collaboration and growth. The five-day program gives the student time for reflection and family life.

The safety and security of the student is at the forefront of the educational staff's role, and with this the life on campus brings the solid ground to and for its members. 99% of the Sandy Spring student population goes on to study at quality higher learning institutions, and this 5-day program prepares them for their bright future ahead.


Topics: Boarding Program

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