“Let Your Life Speak” in the Classroom

Posted by David Hickson on Nov 14, 2016 3:10:25 PM

Each day students in the Upper School pass below a sign on the front of Moore Hall that says “Let Your Life Speak.”  Attributed to George Fox, the 17th century founder of Quakerism, this statement is found all over our campus and is part of our school logo. It reflects a sense that one’s words are important, but one’s deeds are even more important. It is both descriptive, what we do reflects what be believe, and aspirational: let your life mean something, be a testimony of faith and action, an affirmation, and an example to others. What, however, does this mean in the context of a Sandy Spring Friends classroom? I asked three teachers this question. Not coincidentally, all three spoke from a place of personal conviction, rather than from a clinical context of pedagogy or from an attempt to define their students’ experiences for them. Here’s what they shared:

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Topics: Inquiry Based Learning, Academics

The One About Inquiry-Based Education

Posted by Tom Gibian on Jun 30, 2015 1:34:02 PM
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Topics: Head of School Blog, Inquiry Based Learning

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