The One About Lightning

Posted by Tom Gibian on Jul 28, 2014 7:44:00 AM

lightning_blogOne of the great pleasures of parenthood is how the things our kids go through remind us of our own early lives, early mistakes and, occasional, early triumphs.

Kiah, who is 24, told me about a situation at her job, and I wrote her the following text:

First, even of you go into the meeting with your mind made up, leave room to be surprised. Sometimes that happens. Second, our talks have reminded me of an experience I had when I was 18 and a counselor at Catoctin Quaker Camp. I left the lodge at night to go back to my unit without a flashlight. It was raining hard and it was very dark, but I was confident I knew the way. Eventually I found myself on my hands and knees feeling the logs that lined the trail and waiting for lightning to flash. Each time it did I could see clearly, but only long enough to scamper ahead for a few feet. Then I would wait in the dark until the lightning flashed again. Much like life. If there is no light in this moment, be patient. Your world will be illuminated again soon.

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