Tom Gibian

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The One About Inquiry-Based Education

Posted by Tom Gibian on Jun 30, 2015 1:34:02 PM
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Topics: Head of School Blog, Inquiry Based Learning

The One About Thanking Teachers

Posted by Tom Gibian on Jun 2, 2015 8:08:23 AM

Taken from Tom Gibian's remarks at the Sandy Spring Friends School End of Year All-School Assembly

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Topics: Head of School Blog

2015 EastEd Middle School Diversity Conference

Posted by Tom Gibian on Jan 28, 2015 8:10:40 AM

Remarks made by Head of School Tom Gibian to the participants of the 2015 EastEd Middle School Diversity Conference, which has been hosted by Sandy Spring Friends School for the past four years. See photos from the event online...

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Topics: Head of School Blog

The One About Ferguson

Posted by Tom Gibian on Dec 9, 2014 11:43:30 AM

I have been thinking about Michael Brown: his shooting; the investigation; the grand jury; the reaction of the Ferguson community to his death. We have learned much. We have learned that things are more complicated than they first appear, that there are two sides to every tragedy, that we may never have all of the answers. But this does not prevent us from certain realizations as, over the past few weeks, place names have taken on new meanings. Ferguson, Cleveland, and Staten Island have become bound together and together symbolize a lack of fairness, a lack of respect, a lack of care. Specifically, there has been a pattern of excessive force applied disproportionately against people of color. This result has had a devastating effect on trust between those charged with the keeping of the peace and the citizens of a country founded on the concept that all people are created equal.

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Topics: Head of School Blog

The One About Irony, Art, and Adventure

Posted by Tom Gibian on Nov 19, 2014 8:06:36 AM

I remember watching Easy Rider (two hippie bikers set out to discover "the real America") when it debuted in 1969. Pretty racy stuff back in the day and, not surprisingly, full of action and drama. I had gone to the movies with some friends, and we talked about it on our way out. Bill’s comment was that he liked the scene where Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda pushed their motorcycles (they had broken down) past an old guy who was shoeing a horse. He liked the irony. I think that may have been the first time I had heard the word “irony” used in a way that caused me to light up. I felt like Bill had understood something unspoken about the movie, about art.

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Topics: Head of School Blog

The One About Why Quakers and Quaker Schools Go Well Together

Posted by Tom Gibian on Nov 13, 2014 4:49:19 AM

Adapted from Tom Gibian’s November 2014 report to Sandy Spring Monthly Meeting

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Topics: Head of School Blog

The One About the Importance of Diversity Work at SSFS

Posted by Tom Gibian on Nov 5, 2014 11:39:05 AM

Adapted from an email message from Tom Gibian, sent to all faculty/staff before a called Meeting for Business to continue discussions begun during our Professional Development Day. Marilyn Gilmore and Jen Cort led the diversity training workshops for all SSFS faculty/staff on Oct. 20, 2o14. You can find out more about the diversity training online:

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Topics: News, Head of School Blog

The One About Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Posted by Tom Gibian on Sep 24, 2014 10:18:46 AM

The following post was adapted from SSFS Head of School Tom Gibian's remarks at the beginning-of-the-year all-school assembly on Sept. 23, 2014:

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Topics: Head of School Blog

The One About Lightning

Posted by Tom Gibian on Jul 28, 2014 7:44:00 AM

One of the great pleasures of parenthood is how the things our kids go through remind us of our own early lives, early mistakes and, occasional, early triumphs.

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Topics: Head of School Blog

The One about Disappointment

Posted by Tom Gibian on Jan 23, 2014 8:13:01 AM

We spend a lot of time thinking about happiness. We prepare, we scheme, we sacrifice so that we can be happy. In America, in 2014, we expect happiness; we can taste it, it is our due.

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Topics: Head of School Blog

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The Sandy Spring Friends School (SSFS) blog shares information weekly that inspires personal and academic growth in every aspect of life for parents and students.